Flyers and Fact Sheets

I often get asked if there is a flyer or startup fact sheet for and for the longest time I had to say "sorry no...." This is why I've setup this page as a way to share what's already been created and encourage you to share what you've done. Email any document you want to share to

Fact Sheet

From Marion Mix Elementary in Sacramento a one page fact sheet that is easily customized.
[Welcome to docx]

From H.A. Hyde Elementary in Santa Cruz CA. English and Spanish (Thank you Ecology Action!)
[2014 H.A. Hyde Flyer.pdf]

From Urbana Middle School in Urbana IL. (Thank you C-U SRTS!)
[Kick-off_flyer.pdf] []
[Incentive Flyer.pdf] [Incentive]

From Sunrise Elementary in Sacramento a beautiful magazine style announcement.

From the YMCA Toledo OH a great fact sheet and registration form.
[Raymer Elementary Registration Form.pdf]

Yet another Flyer/Registration form from YMCA Toledo OH this one includes the Microsoft Pub file!
[SRTS Toledo Registration Flyer.pdf] [SRTS Toledo Registration]

Please share what you've created!