I often get asked if there is a flyer or startup fact sheet for Active4.me and for the longest time I had to say "sorry no...." This is why I've setup this page as a way to share what's already been created and encourage you to share what you've done. Email any document you want to share to tim@active4.me
From Marion Mix Elementary in Sacramento a one page fact sheet that is easily customized.
[Welcome to Active4.me docx]
From H.A. Hyde Elementary in Santa Cruz CA. English and Spanish (Thank you Ecology Action!)
[2014 H.A. Hyde Flyer.pdf]
From Urbana Middle School in Urbana IL. (Thank you C-U SRTS!)
[Kick-off_flyer.pdf] [Kick-off_flyer.ai]
[Incentive Flyer.pdf] [Incentive Flyer.ai]
From Sunrise Elementary in Sacramento a beautiful magazine style announcement.
From the YMCA Toledo OH a great fact sheet and registration form.
[Raymer Elementary Registration Form.pdf]
Yet another Flyer/Registration form from YMCA Toledo OH this one includes the Microsoft Pub file!
[SRTS Toledo Registration Flyer.pdf] [SRTS Toledo Registration Flyer.pub]
Please share what you've created!
Email tim@active4.me